Fish variants

Mercury is one of the environmental contaminants that can be found in food due to its natural occurrence and as a result of human activity. It is present in sea and river water and for this reason can be concentrated in varying proportions in foodstuffs.


Commission Regulation (EC) 1881/2006 sets maximum levels for certain contaminants, including mercury, in food. The European Commission has studied over the last few years the Tolerable Weekly Intake (TWI) and the health benefits of seafood consumption in European diets in relation to the risks associated with exposure to methylmercury.


Following this assessment, and together with opinions from organisations such as Codex Alimentarius or EFSA, the European Food Safety Authority has decided to publish Regulation (EU) 2022/617 in order to reduce dietary exposure to mercury.

The main modifications introduced with this regulatory change are:



Main modifications Regulation (EU) 2022/617



YOUR PLUS:  AGROLAB GROUP is ISO 17025 accredited for the quantification of contaminants in fish and other food products. Please contact our customer service for further information. 


Note: Regulation (EU) 2022/617 entered into force on 2 May 2022.




Author: Itziar Miguel