
Do you have a „déjà vue“ with this headline? Then you belong to the regular and particularly attentive readers of AGAROLAB RADAR. In July we had already reported on this topic.


In the meantime, EU Regulation (EU) 2021/1771 of 7.10.21 has extended the transition period by a further three years because the Commission still wants to evaluate more data. So, for now, it remains the case that radish and radish leaves will not have their own MRLs defined that are aligned with the limits for kale, as originally envisaged in regulation EU 2018/62.


We therefore repeat our gourmet recommendation from the summer:

If you also want to use the leaves of radishes in your cooking e.g. for soups or green smoothies, it is better to get them from a certified organic farmer.


Link: http://data.europa.eu/eli/reg/2021/1771/oj



Author: Dr. Frank Mörsberger