Filth test

R&C LAB has a ten-year experience in the analyses of solid impurities in foodstuffs, performing official methods for which it is also accreditated (17025).

What is the FILTH TEST?

The light filth-test is a rapid method which permits to verify the presence of solid impurities in food stuff, such as insects and their fragments, rat hair and other origin hair, artificial fibers or plastic fragments.

Why you should perform this analyses?

The presence of insects or rat hairs in the food stuff it is a way to judge the hygienic conditions in which the food  was produced.

Regulatory aspetcs

The american FDA imposed a tolerance limit of 50 insect fragments and 1 rat hair in 50g of food, values commonly used at European level

Technical aspects

The solid impurities present in a food product are usually reduced to microscopic dimension during processing.  The method is based on a first step of extraction of the fragments and a second step of observation with microscopic techniques.

What R&C lab could do to support you?

The laboratory R&C Lab  -  AGROLAB  GROUP applyes  a series of official methods, some of them accreditated (AOAC 972.32 1998, DM 12/01/1999 GU n° 64 18/03/1999, AOAC 970.70 2005, AOAC 696.41 2005), to perform the light Filth-Test analyses for the different food matrixes. Call our customer service for more details.


by AGROLAB Italy