Chia seeds

Chia, Quinoa, Teff are capturing supermarket shelves and win average consumer’s favour. What looks like “novel” food for Europeans are grains eaten in South America and Africa for thousands of years.




Chia seeds have become one of the most popular superfoods in the health community. They are easy to digest when prepared properly, and are a very versatile ingredient that adds easily to recipes. Originally grown in Mexico, the seeds were highly valued for their medicinal properties and nutritional value. They are high in dietary fibres, and contain valuable unsaturated fatty acids in high dosage.


They are a source for phosphorous, what makes it a valuable grain for veggies and vegans.




Quinoa becomes more and more popular due to the act that it is a gluten-free grain. Quinoa was an important crop for the Inca Empire back in the day. They referred to it as the “mother of all grains” and believed it to be sacred. Quinoa is high in protein and a good stuff for low-carb diets It should be mentioned that quinoa is a pseudo-cereal. It contains all nine essential amino acids and high values of essential minerals e.g. Mn, Cu, Fe and vitamins.




Teff is a fine grain—about the size of a poppy seed—that comes in a variety of colours, from white and red to dark brown.
Teff grows predominantly in Ethiopia and Eritrea, and thrives even in difficult climates. It is also free of gluten and very rich in potassium, phosphorous and other valuable minerals and rare elements. The dietary fibre fraction consists of a high amount of non-digestible, resistant starches.


With new grains also new analytical challenges are related. The stronger the market demand will become, the more pressure is put on farmers and the members of the whole supply chain. This means we have to ensure that the quality and health features are protected.




AGROLAB laboratories are familiar with all analytical demands with respect to grain and seed analysis. Checking for pesticide residues, mycotoxins and heavy metals is an issue as well as the verification of the nutritional profile, vitamins, amino acids, fatty acids and last but not least : checking the integrity and authenticity of these grains will become obligatory soon. They are very expensive in comparison to wheat, rice and corn. High profitability means usually an invitation to food fraud.