
AGROLAB presents a new, cost-efficient analytical test procedure to determine the source and origin Vanillin in raw materials and final products, which is offered through our partner lab-IMPRINT Analytics.


Vanillin is and one of the most expensive flavors. Only 1% of the global  demand for Vanillin originates from Vanilla pods. The majority of Vanillin produced is low-price synthetic vanillin or biotechnological vanillin produced from natural precursor substances. The huge discrepancy between offer and demand for natural Vanillin as well as the big price-difference between natural, synthetic and biotechnological vanillin leaves a lot of room for fraud.


Imprint Analytics’ innovative method for determining authenticity of vanillin in a pure state (extract, powder) or in final products can help for clarification:


  • Does your supplier provide the requested Vanillin?
  • From which source material was the flavor extracted?
  • Does the Vanilla really originate from the stated geographic region?
  • Does your competitor use natural Vanillin?


All these questions can be answered professionally and efficiently by Imprint Analytics. We can help you protect your brand and strengthen your quality label!


For more information and a quotation please contact our product managerThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or your local sales representative.